“Put the knives down” – Denzel Bentley teams up with anti-knife crime charity Steel Warriors

Denzel Bentley, a former world middleweight title contender, is actively encouraging individuals who possess knives to reconsider their actions and instead engage in physical activities with Steel Warriors, a charity dedicated to combating knife crime.

Steel Warriors repurposes the steel obtained from seized knives to construct outdoor fitness facilities, such as the one situated in Langdon Park, Poplar, which was recently visited by Bentley. The 29-year-old, who is set to make a comeback in the boxing ring on Saturday night (May 11), will face Danny Dignum at York Hall. Amidst his training regime, Bentley took the opportunity to engage with Christian d’Ippolito, the Head of Marketing and Community at Steel Warriors, at their gym. During his visit, he learned calisthenics and demonstrated shadowboxing techniques to the attendees.

This week, Bentley spoke to Boxing News about his visit and why he is working with Steel Warriors.

The cause is worthwhile and something I would be interested in participating in. Given my upbringing in an area plagued by knife crime, it continues to be a significant issue.

Previously, I believed that by participating in that community or engaging with the general public, I could avoid being recognized. Prior to this incident, I, as well as many people in my vicinity, were unaware of its existence. However, since the release of that particular clip and a few other videos, many individuals in my social circle have viewed it. Consequently, this has garnered attention and potentially allowed them to raise awareness about the admirable efforts of Steel Warriors and their current projects.

He went on to say that these days, fitness has become a significant aspect of people’s lives, although gyms usually come with a cost. However, Steel Warriors is an exception as it offers free access.

“It serves as a space for exercising, staying engaged, and enjoying oneself, or exploring new techniques using the bars and gaining knowledge about one’s body. There are no restrictions based on age; it caters to individuals of all ages. Unlike many gyms that operate round the clock and require members to be 18 years or older, these places offer the flexibility for youngsters to work out and take care of their well-being.”

Growing up in Battersea’s Patmore Estate, Bentley knows the devastation that knife crime can bring to an area. The former British middleweight champion told BN that as a teenager, he knew that he could easily have become a victim as well.

He expressed, “Knife crime has caused me to lose numerous friends.”

“A lot of my friends have been stabbed and survived. A lot of my friends have been stabbed and haven’t survived. At one point in my life, when I was a teenager, I felt like I was going to be a victim. When I reached a certain age, I was like, okay, I’m 16 now… I’m 18 now, but I can still get stabbed. I’ve got to watch where I go and be mindful of who I’m crossing paths with and who I’m rubbing shoulders with. Some people are bad company, but you wouldn’t know.

You could find yourself in a situation where you’re hanging out with a friend who is dealing with personal issues beyond your knowledge. You decide to meet up with them in their neighborhood. Suddenly, individuals with whom your friend has conflicts show up and you become caught in the middle of their altercation. It’s that straightforward, and unfortunately, it happens to many people. It’s important to remember that not everyone who gets stabbed is responsible for any wrongdoing.

Some attendees of Steel Warriors at Langdon Park in Poplar included Bentley.

“What saved me was boxing. I found a boxing gym so I spent most of my time there. We didn’t have any of these outside gyms. Back then it was hard to find gyms [because] they were all under archways. Steel Warriors are out in the park. You could be walking through the park and see them and think, I could have a go on that. Before you know it, there’s people teaching you to do things. No one’s hogging it, everyone’s friendly, and everyone’s willing to bounce off each other. It builds a little community and then you’re up there for hours and hours. It’s good for interaction.”

In England and Wales, there were a total of 50,500 incidents involving a knife or sharp object in the year leading up to March 2023. This marked a surge of over 2,000 incidents compared to the prior year and an alarming increase of over 6,000 incidents compared to the year ending March 2021.

Bentley has witnessed the unfortunate demolition of some of the parks where he spent his childhood playing. Sadly, several football cages are also facing a similar destiny. Bentley strongly believes that it is crucial for kids to have a safe haven and engaging activities that enable them to channel their abundant energy in a positive manner.

The objective is to engage kids in various activities, keeping them occupied and preventing them from getting into trouble. They can enjoy their time, take breaks, and then relax at home before attending to their evening routines like dinner, bed, homework, or any other tasks. It’s important to ensure that they stay away from engaging in mischievous activities while they are outside.

Bentley also had a message directed towards individuals who carry knives, whether for self-defense or with ill intentions to harm others.

There is no need for them. Simply set the knives aside, as they are primarily designed to cause harm to others in most situations.

Choosing not to cause harm or take a life is a universal desire. The repercussions that follow such actions are severe and unpredictable. It results in the loss of a precious life and the perpetrator being incarcerated and losing their own freedom. They spend years in remorseful contemplation. It is essential to refrain from living a life filled with regret. Therefore, I urge you to abandon violence by putting down the knives.

“It’s difficult to find the words. I’m not oblivious to it all or ignorant. I get it but you need to make better lifestyle choices. If you feel like you need to carry a knife, try and get away from that environment. Ask yourself, why do I need this? You’re obviously in an environment that isn’t safe. Try and find an establishment like a boxing gym, Steel Warriors or whatever it may be or move out of the area if you’re able to, and try and get out of the situation you are in. Try not to carry knives because it destroys lives. It’s yours and the person that you hurt.”

*Source: commonslibrary.parliament.uk*