Haula on NHL Tonight: 'You'll See a Very Motivated Devils Group Next Year" | FEATURE

Haula on NHL Tonight: 'You'll See a Very Motivated Devils Group Next Year" | FEATURE

During his appearance on NHL Tonight, Erik Haula provided his perspective and analysis on the off-season changes made by the Devils in 2024.

Devils forward Erik Haula recently joined NHL Network host Jamison Coyle and analyst Mike Rupp for an off-season chat on NHL Tonight. Haula shared his thoughts on the Devils off-season changes, saying ‘I don’t think anyone with the Devils can go into this season without being completely excited.’ 

Haula talked about his initial conversations with new Devils head coach Sheldon Keefe, his initial thoughts on the up-coming season and his off-season participation in Da Beauty League in Minnesota. 

Read the full transcript of the interview below! 

Erik Haula gears up for his third season with the Devils.

JAMISON COYLE: How is your summer going so far?

ERIK HAULA: Summer has been great, busy with the kids. Just starting to get back out on the ice. It’s been good.

MIKE RUPP: You talk about getting back out on the ice, and you’ve been a big part of the Beauty League up there, skating in Minnesota. I mean, that’s kind of all you’ve known, right? When you came into the league this was already up and running, or right around that time if I’m not mistaken.

How effective is it in preparing you for each season?

E.H.: Yeah, I think it’s awesome. It’s a good way, you get to know, every year I meet somebody new that I get to know. There’s a lot of good players out in that league, so it’s a lot of fun way to get back into shape. It gets competitive here and there, so it’s good. I love it. They’ve done a great job and there’s fans there so you obviously don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of people ever. So, a little bit on the stake here and there.

J.C.: Keeps you accountable in the summertime! How’s the team doing? How many games have you guys played? Who’s your coach right now? Take us through Da Beauty League and what your team looks like.

E.H.: Well, we changed it up this year. We only have four teams instead of six teams this year to have more pros and less, so to say, kids I guess. They chose four captains, Nate Schmidt was my captain, I was picked by him and our coach is Paul Fletcher. We have allowed 30 goals against in the first two games, so our record obviously is 0-and-2 (laughs). But looking for a big W next week.

J.C.: What’s the plus/minus at right now? Dash 18?

M.R.: No, you got your guy, you’re even, you’re even right?

E.H.: Yup, I’m even. I have my guy! A couple goals, even, yup! Coaches have some decisions to make though.

Erik Haula scores to extend Tria's lead to 2 goals

: https://t.co/ZmF86YEVhR#NJDevils | @NJDevils pic.twitter.com/UUFs7J6KuU

— Da Beauty League (@DaBeautyLeague) July 25, 2024

M.R.: Hey, Haulsy, we were talking here on NHL Network about teams we were looking forward to seeing this year… the Devils, I think you guys are a team that is very positioned to make a very big leap, right? I don’t even want to call it a leap, because a couple of years ago this team was in a really good spot. I think last year, everything went wrong for this team, whether it was injuries or a lot of other factors. What you’ve seen this summer from what this team has done, where is your belief in this group moving forward?

E.H.: I don’t think anyone with the Devils can go into this season without being completely excited. I think Fitzy did a great job of addressing areas that we needed help in, starting with our goaltending, right down the line to defense, and adding some veteran guys. Some young guys, keeping our identity intact. It’s really exciting. I think we have a really deep team, our younger guys are going to be older again and I think at the end of the day, I think last year was good for us, we probably over exceeded expectations a couple of years ago and last year was hard. A little punch in the chin sometimes is good and I think you’ll see a very motivated group with the Devils next year. I think we’ll be ready to push for something that the Devils haven’t done in a little bit.

J.C.: A lot of new players, but also a new coach, Sheldon Keefe taking over behind the bench in New Jersey. Have you had a chance to speak with him yet and if so, what’s the philosophy like coming into this season? How do you guys think you’ll play this year compared to maybe the last two years? What’s your take on the new coach in Jersey?

E.H.: We had a good converastin. I think identity is going to stay the same, play fast. As you can see with the additions we want to defend better, but just talking to Keefer the expectations are going to be pretty high for individuals and as a team. I think accountability is going to be a big thing for our group and he’s a perfect guy for us. He’s a younger guy, he’s hungry to win as well and I think with his experience in Toronto with all the superstars and all that stuff that goes on around there is only going to help him be a better coach next year as well. I’m really excited to work with him and I think once again, good hire by Fitzy and excited to get going.

M.R.: Obviously we played together, I was fortunate enough to see you break into this league and really you’ve made a heck of a career as far as being versatile and that’s been your number one thing, in my opinion, like you can put Erik Haula on lines 1 through 4, anything you need he can do. Where are you at now in your career as far as what have you learned the most? And where is the hunger factor, because you’re still chasing, like everybody does, everyone is playing to win a Cup.

E.H.: It’s funny you say that Rupper, you were, I remember my second game it was with you and (Zenon Konopka) on the right wing and Knoper told me to move to the left because you were going to fight some big guy….

M.R.: Hey, the fact that you can stay in the league this long after playing with me and Zenon Konopka, shows that you’ve been a heck of a player.

E.H.: I think it was the perfect way to come into the league (laughs). I think the hunger is there. I think I’m hungrier than ever, I’m 33 years old and obviously looking to play as long as I can, but I also realize that age is a factor in this league and I’ve been fortunate enough to play 11 years and I’m working hard in the summer to keep it going but ultimately, chasing the Stanley Cup, it’s exciting to be on a team like the Devils who are willing to do whatever it takes to get better and try to get there. I’m right where I belong, I love the organization, my teammates and the team so I’m excited for the challenge again and just looking to have a really good summer and put everything on the table.

J.C.: Who is the guy on this Devils team that maybe doesn’t get enough attention that he deserves? You know we talk about Jack Hughes all the time and whatnot, but who is a guy you see day-in, day-out that is way better than maybe what we, or the media give them credit for?

E.H.: That’s a tough question, I feel like our star-studded guys have the attention now. And us middle of the group guys, the older guys, we try to bring some leadership in. I’m just excited to see the leap that the young guys take again. I think Nemec and Luke, the ceiling is so high for those guys. It’s just going to be exciting where they get to and help them grow and it’s just going to be exciting to watch everyone again and the hunger of the group.

I’m unsure if we truly have what one might consider a black swan in our midst. You have a general understanding of who we are, and that’s our group.

M.R.: Well we’re looking forward to Four Nations and I’m sure you’ve put some thought into that too. A lot of attention is going to be given to Team USA and Team Canada here in North America. As Americans, we feel like we have an opportunity here to really compete and got a lot of avenues covered. But Team Finland has got a really nice roster potentially too, and you certainly would be in the mix for that. What kind of thought have you put into that and how excited are you for the opportunity to possibly represent your country?

E.H.: I think it’s a cool tournament. It’s hard to put in too much thought into it because you never know. It’s been a rough go, we’ve missed two Olympics and obviously, for Europeans, that’s a bit goal to make that roster. So missing two of those and World Championships, whenever you make the playoffs and your family grows, it’s not always the easiest thing to do, but, during the season when you can represent your country, I think it’s a huge honor and it’ll be really exciting. It will be a short tournament, I mean all the best players in the world from those four nations will be there, so it will be an honor and like you said, hopefully I’ll be on that team and able to represent Finland.