Building Blue: The Growth in Vilmer Alriksson's Game

Building Blue: The Growth in Vilmer Alriksson's Game

Vilmer Alriksson is a person who is difficult to overlook and impossible to disregard.

Standing at a towering height of 6’6″, the Swedish winger has consistently overshadowed his opponents on the ice.

Alriksson, being of such considerable size, is expected to utilize his body effectively and maintain a dominant physical presence during every shift.

This is the precise reason why he decided to transfer from Sweden to the OHL last year and enhance his skills in the Major Junior league with the Guelph Storm, ultimately leading to him being chosen as the Canucks’ fourth-round pick in 2023.

Alriksson expressed his contentment with the OHL, stating, “The OHL is a perfect fit for me. My goal was to enhance my ability to utilize my physique, and Canada provides the ideal environment for that. Recognizing the OHL’s reputation as an exceptional and physically demanding league, I knew this is where I could progress the most.”

In addition to his first OHL season, Alriksson was determined to increase his size and strength.

And he accomplished that.

During the 2023 NHL Entry Draft, Alriksson weighed in at 214 pounds, which is quite impressive for a player standing at 6’6″. Alriksson’s dedication to enhancing his strength has been evident throughout the year and he plans to carry that mindset into the offseason.

At the Canucks development camp, Alriksson proudly announced that he successfully achieved his self-set goal and currently tips the scales at a mere 235 pounds.

A drive to the net and a goal for 6’6” Vilmer Alriksson.#BuildingBlue

— Canucks Insider (@CanucksInsider) July 2, 2024

His increased weight, he attributes to the extra hours spent in the weight room during his time with the Guelph Storm, as well as the consistent provision of his favorite meal, steak and potatoes, by his billet family.

In his debut season in North America, Alriksson not only showcased his offensive prowess but also achieved significant success. Prior to joining the Guelph Storm in the Ontario Hockey League (OHL), Alriksson displayed his skills in the J20 Nationell league in Sweden, where he tallied 12 goals and contributed nine assists, accumulating 21 points in 43 games during his draft year. However, Alriksson truly made his mark in his first OHL campaign, amassing an impressive total of 17 goals and 16 assists, resulting in a remarkable 33 points for the Guelph Storm.


— Guelph Storm (@Storm_City) November 29, 2023

Transitioning from the Swedish J20 League to the OHL involves a significant increase in the level of competition, yet Alriksson managed to adapt smoothly. Reflecting on his season, the towering athlete desired greater consistency, but overall, he was content with his debut year in North America.

Alriksson reflected, “There have been moments of adjustment and both highs and lows, but all in all, I believe it was a positive year. I made a conscious effort to cherish every moment, considering how quickly the season flew by.”

“I found that by being productive, my confidence grew. However, there were periods where I struggled to score, and it had a significant impact on my mindset. Last season was a turning point for me as I dedicated myself to enhancing my mental game.”

Having completed a season in the OHL, the 19-year-old is fully prepared to contribute greatly to the Storm in the upcoming 2024-25 season.

Alriksson confidently stated, “I am well aware of what lies ahead and I have a clear understanding of what each day will bring. I firmly believe that the upcoming year will be yet another remarkable season.”

During the Canucks development camp, Alriksson honed his skills in stick and body placement techniques, while also showcasing his prowess as a net-front presence by scoring an impressive seven goals on the power play. He had the privilege of learning from seasoned players such as Mikael Samuelsson, Manny Malhotra, and the Sedin twins, Daniel and Henrik.

Alriksson, also nicknamed ‘Ricky Bobby’ in Guelph, is determined to further develop his skills after an impressive rookie season in the OHL. His ultimate goal is to secure a spot in the AHL and he will diligently strive towards achieving it in the upcoming years.

"Ricky Bobby's always first, never last!" ️@Canucks prospect Vilmer Alriksson uses his large frame to open the scoring against the Knights ️@Canucks | @Storm_City

— Ontario Hockey League (@OHLHockey) March 7, 2024

Alriksson receives continuous assistance and guidance from development coaches Samuelsson and Mike Komisarek, ensuring he always has a reliable source to seek advice from. The team is dedicated to helping Alriksson enhance his skills on the ice and also develop mentally.

Alriksson expressed his enjoyment of working with the talented development coaches, stating, “It’s truly enjoyable collaborating with such skilled coaches, as they provide valuable feedback that greatly contributes to my personal growth and development.”

The youngster is prioritizing consistency as he gears up for his second year in the OHL. By dedicating extra effort to the mental aspect of the game, he aims to bolster his performance as a prominent forward who excels near the goal with his imposing 6’6″, 235-pound physique.