BN Verdict: Body shots in round 10 ensure Barrett outlasts Gill

Jordan Gill’s performance in Manchester on April 13 was marked by remarkable steadiness and consistency. It seemed that only an unexpected and powerful punch, one that leaves no room for recovery, could have given Zelfa Barrett a chance to reverse the situation and narrow the gap on the scorecards.

In round 10, Gill and Barrett gained a newfound understanding of the decisive power of a body shot. Gill, fueled by momentum and determined to widen the gap, relentlessly pursued Barrett and whittled away at his aspirations. However, it was during this round that Barrett unleashed a left hook to Gill’s body, causing him to drop within the first minute.

Gill’s reaction suggested the fight was nearly finished. The unmistakable signs of a wounded warrior were evident: lying on his back, in agony, appearing completely drained. But then, unexpectedly, Gill regained his strength, possibly realizing he had the upper hand in the fight. Alternatively, he may have reflected on his past experiences and considered a body shot to be only a minor setback in the bigger picture of his life.

Gill, in a rather miraculous fashion, managed to stand up and continue fighting, although he adopted a more cautious approach. It became evident that the man from Chatteris was not only physically injured, but also wary of being hit in the same spot again. This was precisely what Barrett aimed for in the rest of the round and throughout the entire fight.

Gill had looked comfortable, but suddenly the final two and a half rounds felt like a never-ending struggle. The pain persisted, causing Gill to hunch over in a crouch. Barrett knew exactly how to prolong Gill’s suffering – by relentlessly targeting the same area. He executed this strategy expertly throughout the 10th round. Eventually, Gill could no longer endure and fell victim to another devastating left hook to the body, just like the first. Once again, he writhed on the floor, desperately trying to motivate himself and convince himself that it was worth continuing.

Referee John Latham closely observed Gill as he rose to an upright position. It became evident that Gill was significantly hurt by the second body shot. In an effort to prevent Barrett from landing another clean body shot, Gill abandoned protecting his head and solely focused on guarding his body. This created an unusual scene where Gill’s arms only shielded his torso, leaving his head vulnerable to Barrett’s strikes. Without hesitation, Barrett relentlessly attacked Gill’s head, prompting the referee to step in and stop the fight shortly after the second knockdown.

Until that moment, the battle had been quite balanced, a respectable contest filled with skill but lacking in excitement. Overall, the events had unfolded smoothly, with both sides exchanging blows as freely as they exchanged rounds.

It appeared that Gill had a stronger start compared to Barrett, demonstrating great composure and employing numerous feints. However, in rounds three and four, Barrett began to gain momentum in the fight. During this time, he successfully landed his uppercut, utilizing both his left and right hand. Additionally, Barrett developed a strategic advantage by timing Gill’s movements and capitalizing on his opponent’s shorter stature. As a result, Barrett frequently employed the uppercut to exploit this advantage.

In round four, a glimpse of what was to unfold became apparent when Barrett landed a powerful left hook to Gill’s body, causing some damage. He continued his assault, aiming a couple more shots in that area, but couldn’t replicate the initial impact. Nevertheless, if one was observant, those hints in that round hinted at Barrett’s potential to regain momentum and ultimately secure victory, as demonstrated in round 10.

Barrett would need to exercise patience, as Gill outperformed him in the later rounds, taking advantage of Barrett’s passivity and seizing opportunities to attack when Barrett wanted to move, defend, or take a break. This continued until the fight’s final third, with Gill staying true to his game plan and gaining more confidence. However, it is often when a boxer feels in control, confident, and invincible that they are struck with both the final blow and the harsh reality.

Tonight, the truth of Jordan Gill’s 28-3-1 (9) record became evident as reality struck him with a devastating Zelfa Barrett body shot in the 10th round, lasting a mere two minutes and 44 seconds.