The Great Escape: Iman Zahmatkesh has been running and fighting most of his life

By Matt Christie

The story unfolded on the outskirts of Rasht, the bustling northern Iranian city. Iman Zahmatkesh, accompanied by his sister and friend, strolled along the roadside, heading towards the city center. Suddenly, their leisurely walk was interrupted as a police van drew up beside them.

At the age of 20, Zahmatkesh had gained notoriety among the authorities. He boldly advocated for women’s rights while pursuing his studies at the university, which ultimately led to the forfeiture of his place in his final year. His views and existence on campus were deemed unacceptable, leaving no room for his opinions to be heard or acknowledged.

“They call them morality police, they dress normally like us, [but] they are police,” Zahmatkesh explains to Boxing News. The now 29-year-old chuckles intermittently as he retells a hellish tale. It’s presumed he’s trying to keep the ghosts at bay.

Upon witnessing my sister’s complexion transforming into a pallid shade, I reassured her, “There’s no need to fret. I’ll handle the situation. We haven’t committed any wrongdoing, and you’ll be fine.” Regrettably, her unintentional exposure of a small portion of her hair violated the regulations in place within a Muslim country.

As he tried to engage in a rational discussion with one of them, the rest of them headed towards his sister. It was at that very moment when the piercing screams began.

Pepper spray was being used on her as they forcefully pulled her across the floor by her hair, resulting in her bleeding. At that moment, I intervened. I firmly instructed my sister to leave the scene, fearing that she might face consequences. It’s important to note that my friend, who was innocent and uninvolved, didn’t deserve any of this.

As the crowd grew, punches were exchanged and additional police were summoned. In the midst of the chaos, Iman urgently instructed his sister, “Go!” She managed to flee while Zahmatkesh and his friend followed suit, seeking refuge in a secluded alley, away from the public eye. Determined to avoid being tracked, Iman discarded his phone, aware of the potential risks. Unbeknownst to him, his friend had a different plan and cleverly concealed their phone in their socks.

They trudged through the vast expanse of the countryside, covering countless miles. “We had been outdoors the entire previous day. On the second day, our stomachs started rumbling with hunger. The desire to reach the supermarket and fill our bellies grew insatiable. As we strolled along a narrow path, a fleet of cars suddenly caught my attention.”

The police were inside those cars, having traced his friend’s phone. The boys sprinted away, hearing gunshots that were dangerously near to risk another round being fired. Realizing the severity of the situation, I halted and understood that our lives were in jeopardy, with no consequences for them. I attempted to apologize, but they mercilessly tasered my head and knees, causing an intense sensation of my entire body being on the verge of exploding. Subsequently, they made an attempt to force me into the trunk of their vehicle.

After being blindfolded, he was led to a location that he later referred to as a ‘torture area’. There, he was bound to the ceiling and subjected to brutal beatings with batons. The uncertainty of survival loomed over him, as people around him were losing their lives. Amidst this terrifying ordeal, his thoughts were consumed by his family and their deep concern, since he had suddenly vanished.

Every single day, he would find himself suspended from the ceiling, enduring a relentless assault on his body. At night, the brief respite of being untied was swiftly replaced by the cruel ritual of being stripped naked and confined to a room illuminated by harsh industrial lights that prevented any chance of sleep. The brutal torment inflicted upon him was primitive in nature, yet it achieved its intended purpose; Iman gradually felt his sanity slipping away. Each morning, they would return to handcuff him, hoist him back up, subject him to further beatings, and attach painful objects to his testicles. They would fasten him to a plank, and although it may sound absurd, they would gradually drip minuscule droplets of water onto his forehead. The weightlessness of his body made it seem as if a relentless hammer was striking his head after a while. Such an experience was entirely foreign to him, an unimaginable ordeal.

After a two-week duration, they were publicly showcased in open-top vehicles within their city, serving as a demonstration to the locals. “They portrayed us as gangsters, as violent individuals. No one knew about our genuine intention to assist my sister.”

He was escorted to a unique prison that embraced murderers, a place where violence thrived without restraint. The other prisoners were informed that if they succeeded in ending Iman’s life, they would receive favorable treatment. Consequently, the machetes were meticulously honed.

Iman, today, lifts his t-shirt, revealing the scars left behind by the prison battles. A sprawling mark stretches across his back, a reminder of a decaying knife wound, while numerous others dot his body. With a smile of relief, he shares this glimpse with me.

After some time, his family managed to gather the necessary bail amount to secure his release prior to his trial. Yet, shortly after being set free, law enforcement officials conducted a sudden raid on his home, revealing that his ordeal was far from over. Their intention was to showcase him as a warning to others. In the best possible outcome, his end would be swift, with a public execution. However, the worst-case scenario entailed a lifetime of agonizing torment behind bars.

Iman refused both options and decided to flee, following the advice of his family. It took him nine long years before he reunited with them again. Once in Tehran, he sought refuge in his aunt’s basement, avoiding any attention and only conversing with her. His aunt provided him with money, which would be used to pay a smuggler at the Turkey-Iran border to help him escape the country. The journey took place during the harsh winter, with snow-covered mountains acting as a barrier between the two nations. This marked the beginning of his escape, which concluded two years later in Bognor Regis, located on the southern coast of England.

Iman spent nine hours hiking up the mountain, but upon reaching the top, his legs were crippled by cramps. With caution to avoid detection by a security patrol, he resorted to relying solely on his arms to descend the other side. This marked his successful escape from Iran.

Iman was about to head towards Greece, which was the next destination on the list. However, tragedy struck a week prior, as 60 asylum seekers lost their lives in The Aegean Sea while attempting to cross on a crowded boat from the Turkish coast. The chillingly cold water left them with no hope of survival.

Iman managed to survive, but anxiety took over as a boat approached their location. He was well aware that if the boat carried Turkish officials, he would be sent back to Turkey and ultimately deported to Iran. However, to his relief, the boat turned out to be Greek. Zahmatkesh chuckled, knowing that fortune had finally smiled upon him. The Greek boat promptly transported them to Mytilene, located on the Greek Island of Lesbos.

Iman had the opportunity to reside in Greece for a few months, during which he crossed paths with Lisa, a compassionate British woman who was selflessly aiding refugees in the country. Despite his limited English skills at the time, Iman was more proficient than many others, enabling him to assist by translating. He effectively communicated the urgent needs of various groups, such as the requirement for clothing or footwear. Touched by Iman’s dedication, Lisa made a heartfelt promise to him – if he managed to reach England, he would be welcomed into her family’s home.

Despite being homeless, Zahmatkesh refused to lose hope and embarked on a journey towards Macedonia. Unfortunately, the police were once again hot on his trail. In a desperate attempt to evade them, Iman plunged into the nearby water, even though it was freezing January weather. With only the clothes he wore, he hung them on a tree, hoping they would dry by morning. When morning arrived, Zahmatkesh, shivering and desperate for warmth, reached for his clothes, only to find them completely frozen, transformed into blocks of ice.

Continuing his journey, he proceeded to Germany and later France, a year after he had conquered the mountain in Iran. Recalling his daring experience, he recounts, “Subsequently, I found myself clutching onto the underside of a truck that was en route to a ship bound for the UK.” How long did he endure this precarious situation? “Perhaps around two hours. I consider myself fortunate, as any adjustment to the lever regulating the wheel’s positioning, based on the cargo’s weight, could have resulted in my untimely demise. Regrettably, others met such a fate, but luckily, I emerged unscathed.”

After arriving in Britain, he made a call to Lisa, who is now his mother. Lisa’s husband, Andy, is the father of Iman, and they have three children together who are now his siblings. For the past seven years, they have formed a family that has experienced mostly happiness. However, the occasional unhappiness they have faced arises from their status as asylum seekers, constantly striving to prove that they deserve to remain in the UK and that returning to their home country would put them in danger. “There have been challenging moments since I was not allowed to work, relying on my parents for financial support,” he explains. “As an adult, I take pride in my independence and wish to be able to provide for myself. I am truly grateful to them for everything, but I long to be self-sufficient.”

Zahmatkesh, who secured refugee status on Friday night (March 22), showcased his professional boxing skills for the first time at Bethnal Green’s York Hall. As the runner up at 92kgs in the 2022 NACs, he effortlessly claimed victory with a first-round knockout, making it seem like a simple task.