Local Hockey Family Raise Money for Capitals Rising Stars Academy

Local Hockey Family Raise Money for Capitals Rising Stars Academy

Local hockey players of color receive top-notch skill development and mentorship through Rising Stars.

By Jack Conner


July 09, 2024

Introducing the Greene brothers: for them, hockey holds a significance beyond a mere sport – it serves as a means to contribute to the nearby community. Zave (20), Jovi (17), and Tyvan (12) have spent their childhood immersed in the world of hockey, fostering numerous friendships and treasured experiences. This profound influence has instilled a deep sense of appreciation within their family, propelling them to enhance and expand the game they cherish.

Every summer, the Greene Brothers hold a fundraising event to raise money toward a local beneficiary in hopes of supporting the hockey community. This year, the brothers’ efforts will go towards the Capitals Rising Stars Academy, a co-ed program established to provide elite skill development and mentorship for local hockey players of color.

WashCaps.com interviewed the Greene brothers on their fundraising efforts and what hockey means to them. To support the Greene’s fundraiser, click here.

Q: Why chose the Rising Stars Academy as this year’s beneficiary?

ZAVE: It’s unfortunate that numerous skilled young athletes with ambitious hockey aspirations encounter barriers when trying to access the ice. However, Rising Stars Academy offers a straightforward solution to assist these enthusiastic players in their journey towards fulfilling their dreams, irrespective of their financial circumstances. Hockey has the power to transform lives, and the gratification derived from supporting young athletes as they pursue their dreams is truly remarkable.

Q: What does it mean to see the game of hockey grow in your community as a response to your efforts?

A: ZAVE: The growth of hockey in our region has been remarkable since the Capitals won the Stanley Cup! It brings immense satisfaction to witness more children embracing the sport, honing their abilities, and developing a passion for the game. Inspired by the numerous admirable coaches, like Coach Duante’ Abercrombie, we aspire to be supportive influencers, encouraging kids to join the game we all cherish.

Q: Why is it important for you all to give back to your local community?

A: JOVI: We greatly acknowledge the significant influence our community has on shaping our lives and achievements. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the numerous individuals who have provided us with encouragement and support, including coaches, parents, and fellow players. It is remarkable how one person’s belief in you can instill the bravery necessary to pursue your aspirations!

Q: What has playing hockey and being a Capitals fan taught you about giving back to your community?

Playing hockey and being passionate fans of the Capitals fosters a strong sense of camaraderie for JOVI. We are truly amazed and motivated by the numerous ways the MSE Foundation contributes to the community, as well as the consistent involvement of the Caps players in these initiatives.

It is fantastic to have genuine role models on our home team, as not all professional athletes are as generous with their time as TYVAN.

Q: This is your third annual fundraiser; what have you learned over the past two years, and how has that helped you as you continue to grow your mission?

A: ZAVE Over the course of the last two years, we have come to understand the significance of having a grand vision for our 5K event that is both enjoyable and captivating. Each occasion has served as a learning opportunity, enabling us to discover novel methods of connecting with our community and raising awareness for our cause. To those who may be contemplating organizing a fundraising event, we urge you not to hesitate in reaching out and sharing your message. At the outset, we were somewhat hesitant, but with increased experience, we have embraced new possibilities, buoyed by the positive response from our community, which continuously motivates us to push further. Year after year, we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to reconnect with our community, collaborate with the MSE Foundation, and continue our growth journey!

Q: What does it mean to see the community’s support over the last few seasons?

The immense support we have received from our community has been incredibly humbling. It has not only confirmed the value of our endeavors but has also spurred us on to pursue even grander objectives.

The most enjoyable aspect of TYVAN is welcoming all participants as they collect their race packets, wearing vibrant stars and stripes attire! Witnessing the beaming smiles, eager anticipation, dynamic energy, and contagious excitement for the cause creates an incredible sensation.

Q: What has it meant to fundraise and create these projects the last few seasons as brothers? How has it helped you all grow as a family?

Fundraising as brothers through ZAVE has been an extraordinary opportunity for us to bond. As we have collaborated towards our common objectives, it has brought us closer together. This experience has not only fortified our family dynamic but has also filled us with immense joy and a sense of fulfillment.

In addition to event organization, JOVI collaboratively constructs a significant fundraising game annually. The previous year featured a colossal “Rink-o-Plinko,” while this year, we are constructing a mammoth prize spinner to raffle off incredible, autographed memorabilia generously donated by the MSE Foundation. This endeavor consistently involves the assistance of our beloved friends and family, fostering a delightful bonding experience for all involved.

Q: What are your future goals with your fundraising efforts?

A: ZAVE In the future, we aim to expand our events, boost participation, and secure additional funds to uplift our local hockey community.

At TYVAN, we engage in continuous brainstorming sessions to generate fresh ideas. We are eager to foster stronger connections with the Caps and are even enthusiastic about inviting players to participate in our upcoming 5K events.

Q: How can I donate?

You have the option to make direct donations to the Rising Stars Academy through our GoFundMe page, with TYVAN ensuring that 100% of your donations will go towards their cause.

To support the Greene’s fundraiser, click here.